Is there an alternate to Martin Logans?

I love Martin Logan, the way they sound except for two things, my aerius i don't play loud enough and don't go low enough, is there anyway I can get these two things without going to a bigger Martin Logan, do other dynamic speakers exist that have the speed and transparency and pin point imaging of a Martin Logan?
I used to own ML Aerius. Sold them because I wasn't really happy with narrow sweet spot and lack of dynamic even with good subs. But never had trouble playing them loud. How loud is loud for your folks? Just curious...
Get the newform research r645's for sale here on a'gon. No, their not my speakers, I just received a pair and their awesome. Check for more reviews.

You need the Sound Lab Pristine 3+'s I have for sale here on
audiogon they sound fantastic!
Tbonephile. The Sound Labs are about the best electrostatic designs I've heard, but I believe that even their entry level models are much more pricy (new) then your ML speakers. I could be wrong though. You've gotton allot of great suggestions here already. IN fact, the ML speakers you already own are great performers too, but they just might not be right for your room. That happens some times; I know it's happend to me MORE than a few times! Personally, I'd also check out Magnepans. Not electrostatic, but exceptional speakers at more than fair prices; and they are "dynamic" in their own way. Maybe not great for the viceral type impact that many people crave in the bass region, but the LF info is there; and the Maggies are fast, detailed, and well integrated. For true dynamic designs, you might also enjoy Alon speakers, especially the Lotus, V, or Circe. Very open and airy (open baffle dipole midrange and trebble) good bass (my V mkIII go to about 25 cycles with good pitch definition and power), and a very realistic presentation of music. Maybe not the last word in "pin point imaging", but they throw a very realistic soundstage, with excellent image size. They are also easy to drive, and not too much of a pain to place properly in a room. The Alon speakers offer a great balance between musicality and hi-fi definition. You can learn more about the Alon speakers at I hope this helps some. Regards, Robert.
For a great price, try Jim Winey's entry level Magnepan's. They sound best hung up in the air or mounted on top of woofers of your choosing. And they are cheap. $300 bucks for the saran-wrap only model (mylar), or $550 for the saran wrap(mylar) with aluminum foil model (MMG). Kitchen speakers. Absolute genius simplicity.
You don't have to spend thousands to have good sound, but the wrinkle in these low end Magnepans is their need for added woofer(s). With those, they are mega-buck killers!