How do VANDERSTEEN Signature 2ce's rate?

Any of you own or hear the new Vandersteen Signature 2CE? Does it overcome the lack of transparency & imaging specificity the old ones lack? I guess that is why there are so many Thiel lovers out there. Appreciate anyone's feedback on either side.
Personally I think the Vandies suck. When I listen to music I generally don't have cotton stuck in my ears but with the Vandy, that's the way the music sounds. It's ok if you are into really shitty music like most audiophiles are but I really like good music. I recently bought the Silverline Sonatas which are better then the Vandy in every way. I have to admit that I'm lucky. My hearing doesn't suck like most audiophiles hearing sucks. If your hearing sucks, the Vandy is probably all the speaker you will ever need. Hope this helps!
Joe your input is once and again a revelation. Doesn't it make you wonder though how Richard Vandersteen has fooled the masses into buying over 90,000 pair of his 2 series speakers? By the way Joe what kind of "really good music" do you like, maybe you could share it with us. P.S. Joe I would hope the Sonatas sound better they cost 3.5X as much as the Vandy Sigs.
Joe Coherent, I would like to understand 1) what qualifies as "shitty" music; 2) How you know what "most" audiophiles like; 3)How you settled upon your screen that supposed to be irony?
Thanks for your replies -- keep them coming. Interesting how wildy opposite opinions are on Vandersteens. Like to hear from some Thiel owners who also auditioned Vandersteens. Any comments on low slope vs. high order crossovers?
I would have mine now, if UPS didn't kill one of them. Always have been impressed with them, and hate to even get rid of my little 1C's. Everybody keeps comparing my $1600.00 speakers to $3500 - $5000 speakers, it just says that much about them. Long live Vandersteen!