Are Talon speakers really this great?

I've talked to a lot of people and dealers on-line and have yet to find anyone who has actually heard the Talon Audio speakers who isn't raving about them. Are they really that Great?
I know I am a dealer.... so my comments may be discounted... so, I'll keep it short... Are Talon Speakers really this great? Yeah.....
I second delve audio on that one. I have heard them on several occasions and they are absolutely the most stunning speakers I have ever heard. Stop asking what others think and just go give them a listen (not meant in a mean way). I would love to hear what you think.
I own the Khorus's They have the fastest, most tonal, articulate bass I have ever heard The soundstage is deep and wide with precise imaging You would be hard pressed to find better The only speaker I have heard that rivals the performance of the Talon's are the Von Schweikert VR 6's
Only a sucker would spend $4500 for a 2 way mini-monitor or $12,000 for a 2 way floorstander.
Absolutely!!! I have the Khite as a center channel.. They are set as large speakers in my homw theater and handle bass down to 25hz with no problem. Voices and female vocals are real with no coloration. Excellent soundstage and reproduction of all musical instruments. Highly recommended.