Are Talon speakers really this great?

I've talked to a lot of people and dealers on-line and have yet to find anyone who has actually heard the Talon Audio speakers who isn't raving about them. Are they really that Great?
Absolutely!!! I have the Khite as a center channel.. They are set as large speakers in my homw theater and handle bass down to 25hz with no problem. Voices and female vocals are real with no coloration. Excellent soundstage and reproduction of all musical instruments. Highly recommended.
Dearle, I'm sorry, but a 6.5 inch woofer can't handle bass down to 25 Hz worth a damn. Maybe in a parallel universe where the laws of physics don't apply.
Obviously Phill, I would ask if you have heard either one from Talon and I certainly don't think the question was your opinion of suckers
Acuujim, That's right...shoot the messenger. "There's a sucker born every minute."
Phill, Iam certainly relieved that you are the determining factor in the "sucker criteria". I just wish that you so called messengers would be more informed and have less zeal for saving us from ouselves. If you have such a calling I am sure Ralph Nader needs help with his campaign.