Dynaudio, ProAc, Totem???

Any thoughts on what would be the best monitor for a small room; Dynaudio Contour 1.3, ProAc 1SC or Totem Model One Signature
Hey John now that you have pumped everyone on earth for info. (including myself fiening interest in my Signums and asking every conceivable set-up question) Did you pay your local dealer full price for the ONE SC'S?
Wow Mar00, Sounds to me that you are upset since you have not sold your Signum's yet. I sent you back an email stating that I was not going to purchase them and if you remember correctly I never told you that I was going to buy them in the first place. Since when is it a crime to seek out as much informatiom as possible prior to a purchase. Isn't this the reason for threads? Get over it...
I have the Aerial 5 speakers, and I have been wondering how they compare to the Dynaudio, ProAc and Totem. The Aerial 5 are fairly inefficient (85db), and I am running them with a Jeff Rowland Model 2. I was thinking of looking for a more efficient speaker. The Dynaudio is a bit more efficient at 86db (but not a lot). Any suggestions? (Sorry to tag onto another user's thread, but the three speakers under discussion are three of the speakers I have been curious about.)
I don't have any insight on the ProAc or Totem speakers, just a big thumbs up on the Dynaudio monitors if you have the juice to drive them. You need a couple feet behind them minimum, and you need good power behind them, even at low levels. I listen to mainly rock of all varieties, some jazz, some vocalists.