Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
I own a pair Talon Khorus. They are without doubt the best I've ever owned or heard. Fast, so neutral that at first I thought I didn't like it but the more listening I did the more I realized they're just right. All those disk we play over and over, while others get put back in the back because we think they don't sound good. It is the recording engineers job to make a good cd with it's air, detail,tonal accuracy. Not the speakers,the speakers should play out what goes in. I have found myself digging out the old disk and finding them to be real gems hidden for so long, cause my old speakers were to analytical, to bright,some kind of coloration that made those few select cd's get plenty of play cause the speaker coloration plus the cd's colorations matched up so well. But all that changes with the Talon's, you have to relearn all you have learned. Talon's just let you here what recording engineer wants you to here. They are simply incredible. So to the gentleman who has all our money, maybe he should come off some that rusty money & buy a new speaker so advanced that it blows him away. This speaker is for true audiophiles whether they use credit or pay cash,cause it is simply involving to the point of allmost an hypnotic state.
I agree with philefreak. The only ones diparaging the Talon's are those who have never heard them or those that think it is their job to save us from ourselves. I have been listening to high end equipment since my first Audio Research system in 1973. I am fortunate to be able to afford to put whatever I want regardless of cost into my system. The Talon Khorus's are better (by far) than speakers sold at three to five times the price of the Talon's. On a personal note (which really has no place in this thread but what the hell.) If you have heard something at length or own something that is the subject of a thread I value those opinions. All you tree hugging, socialist, Ralph Nader wannabees, go join GreenPeace and chase whaling boats around the Pacific. I am certainly glad I am smart enough to earn the money to pay what I want for what I want and can toss those useless opinions in the Pacific as whale food. Enjoy your music. My ten month old dances like crazy to the Talon's. Life is good
Acuujim Your description seems to be the concensus from those that HAVE actually heard the speaker that I have personally spoken to. I am much interested in hearing these speakers especially their bass performance. I would also be interested in hearing the differences with the Merlins which are also fast and "accurate" though less apparent bass than the Peregrine by those who have heard both. Have you heard both and how would you describe the differences? Will
Tubegroover- I own the Merlin TSM SE's in the sytem in my office and I just love them. Now imagine that level of detail and smoothness and imaging coupled together seamlessly with the fastest (and I do mean no hangover at all of a bass not) bass you've ever heard. You now have the Talon Audio Khorus' They are quite captvating.
I have a Khite center channel that opened up my home theater sound. Voices and dialog sound completely natural with no coloration. I have lisitened to the Khorus's driven by high quality mono amps and they sound completely natural - IE you hear what is recorded with no speaker coloration. The low end responce is fantastic - eliminating the need for a sub-base in home theater and sounding natural with 2 channel. I also listened to these played with a Denon mid-priced receiver. Again, they sounded great. My suggestion, go listen to them, Try Talons website for dealers. Speaker in this price range should be auditioned in person and the Talons are worth the effort to find a dealer.