Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
I reckon me & Acuujim are just a couple of idiots in idiot land on idiots get in free day. But we sure are enjoying great sound. What ya think Acuujim. I need some oceanfront property in Tenn. by the way. But need financing from Phill or maybe Joco since he seems to have so much $$$ and since I've spent all my $$$ on speakers.
...and all the $$$ I have left are my dues for the Audiophile Idiots Club. Life is good.
Phill, what does a Sony CD player have to do with Talon Khorus'? Your references are vague and the only thing that you are making clear is that you have some sort of grudge towards Talon.
TO ANY TALON OWNER: I am curious...Tell me, in audio journalistic jargon, exactly what any Talon speaker does better than the competition...and name your idea of that competition. Also, be up front with your listening biases.