Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
I'm breaking in a pair of Khites and a ROC sub, using an EVo amp (great match). While I have a couple of hundred hours of break in still ahead of me (though hopefully not 500 like I've read here) there's a lot about these speakers that seems right. Very fast and articulate, particularly in the bass, with what I can only call an emotional presence begining to emerge in vocals. Given how high the bar on performance expectations has been set for these speakers I can appreciate the intensity of these postings. And then they do take a different path to the music, away from high-end speakers which lack real bass and emotion, offering instead treble detail (Silverlines strike me that way). I'm anxious to get them broken in, but I'm already having fun, even when I find myself 2 rooms away from the speakers and a wonderful song has floated into the room -- clear, articulate, and rich.
Glreno.. I have the VonSChweikert VR-7's. I am using the Thor Audio preamp TA-1000. I am just expermenting with amps and the BEl Canto seems to get great reviews. We will see. mike
Glreno.. I have the VonSChweikert VR-7's. I am using the Thor Audio preamp TA-1000. I am just expermenting with amps and the BEl Canto seems to get great reviews. We will see. mike
Mikem,Glreno: I am not advocating that everyone should go out and do this. It's just that the combo of Dan Schmalle's(Doc B)Bottlehead Paraglows running with Vaic Meshplate 2A3's and GE 5 star 5965's and a number of tweaks I have done are absolutely astonishing. Yes I agree more power would be nice and certainly the Jota or even an 845 would provide more volume and perhaps a bit more drive. What you have to understand is that the combination of a parallel feed output trannie and the Vaic's have authority and drive that don't take a backseat to anything. Doc's Parabee(300B version of same type would probably be even better with 8 watts. But if you follow the threads on tube assylum or bottlehead.com you will hear people screaming about the musicality of 45's. I realize that is to low at less than 2 watts. But according to a few people the meshplates sound amazingly similar to 45's and yet the Vaic tubes have amazing slam. Why do I love them? Air, palpable air and emotion like nothing else I have heard. Make every solid state and push/pull tube sound anemic, thin, hard dry, closed in etc. Pace and rythmn are better than anything I have heard. And of course these are things the Talon already excells at. So just imagine if you will. Yeah it's only 95 to 96db max but oh is it glorious. James W.
Vrauthor: At the risk of taking a different approach to break in. I have spoken at length to Tierry about the break-in phenomenon. I think the Talon's pretty much establish themselves with around 100 hours or so. Yes some of the sublties keep getting better after that, but I think a large part of the extra hours is growing accustomed to the way they sound compared to other speakers you have owned. After a couple of weeks of listening go back and try and listen to your old speakers? It will suprise you how hard they are to listen too. Believe me I have a hard time enjoying anything else anymore. Happy listening, James W.