No_money - you're missing the boat. Digital bits and bytes are just that. Digital. Which means that it doesn't matter what cable, interconnect, patch cord was used in the process. I can take those bits and bytes and run them through some pretty sophisticated algorithms and make them sound like anything I want, regardless of what type of link was in the chain. Monster is often mentioned by recording studio people. Yes, you can polish a turd, in your vernacular, because the ultimate quality of the recording as presented on the CD (let's exclude vinyl right now) is a reflection of the talent and quality of the recording engineer and the producer of the recording. Plus how much money is allocated for post-recording production. So if something is "colored" in the recording process (not) then the producer and engineer can take care of it during the final mixing process. Fagan and Katz are recording gods, to be sure, and the Grammys mentioned by Trelja are testament that too many of us put our (misplaced) faith in exotica when it is the talent of the producers and engineers that make your recording sound as good (or bad) as it does. Can your playback gear truly reproduce what the producer really heard as his final mix? Ludwig could make anyone sound good, bad, or neutral REGARDLESS of what wire is in the chain - it's called talent. These people have great ears and passion for music. Plus they are able to pull performances out of musicians that sometimes the musicians thought they were incapable of. Go take a totally blind "taste test" some time. It's embarassing to see Monster and Belden (not to mention Radio Shack and DIY'ers) cables place as high or higher than the mega bucks stuff being shoved down our throats by clever marketing playing on our ego. Finally, speaking of producers, look at the variety of artists and studios used by Mutt Lange - cables never compromised his talent or quality of his production.