Optimum speaker placement

I am about to go to war with my wife and set up the 2ch/5.1ch in the den as optimally as possible. Before I bring it to her (and the negotiations begin), I need to know what constitutes the "ideal" placement arrangement. I know that mathmatical formulas have been around for years, however I haven't any clue what they are. Additionally, room treatments will play a significant role. Does anyone know of any printed material (or web-based) that I can review? Thanks in advance for your advice. - Ken
try the cardas homepage for an excellent short piece on speaker placement in the 2 ch world. i'd not even try to mix a 2 ch with 5ch in the same room. you cannot hope to get optimal 2 ch sound when you've got video stuff between your 2 ch ("main") speaks. perhaps, in your case, the "best" placement is whatever your wife accepts!
Here are some links that may be of interest: http://www.halesdesigngroup.com/quickstart.html http://www.stereophile.com/fullarchives.cgi?171 http://www.cardas.com/insights/roomsetup.html . Good luck!
There are some computer programs, like Visual Ears, Cara, or programs integrated in speaker building programs like SoundEasy 3.20(that I own), where You can model Your room and speaker placement, and get a lot of information, before placing the speakers out. I have seen programs for two-ch. stereo, only,but the programs can probably help You although. Some good book on acustics, is also recommended, and the sites mentioned above.