Need some help choosing speakers.......

I hope some of you experienced audiophiles can help me with a choice of speakers. I intend to move my electronics from ourt summer mountain house, which we winterize, downto a Florida condo for the winter. My B & W 804's are too large for the condo, so I would like a pair of monitors perhaps, which do not have to be placed far from the back wall. Even better would be a pair that would work in a very heavy, 2" MDF bookcase system. Electronics are: Audible Illusions L-1 pre-amp, Pass Aleph 3 power amp, Magnum Etude fm, Sony SACD player. Speaker sensitivity should be about 89 db or higher. Thanks for your input.
Hi Take a look at Vienna Acoustics Haydn speakers. Close to the wall is a compromising postion for nearly any speaker; but these have such wonerful sound characteristics and abilities they should give good performance anyway. Startlingly clear and realistic presentation with excellent imaging. Play much bigger than they look.
I think that the newer "mini-monitor" style speaker from Castle is called the Richmond. While i heard it placed on stands and out into the room a bit, i too was amazed at how good it sounded. For a small speaker, it had a very full sound to it. These were appr. $500 for the pair if i remember correctly. I don't think that ANY speaker will work best placed in some type of rack or shelving unit if your concerned about imaging and soundstage, but that's a personal matter.
I would also audition Linn Tukan! They were made for "close-to-the-wall" placement, and i think their "speed" and "detail" would compliment your Pass aleph. Also, they are smallest of the all minimonitors!
I would give a pair of B&W 805N a try. They have a 90 db efficiency rating and not that fussy to set up. Although, I am not sure about placing them on a bookshelf.