amps and cd players for magnepan 1.6qr

i just got my 1.6qr in auction. thinking about rega planet for cd. seperate or intergrated? musical fidelity a300, krell 300i, bryston 4bst, adcom, arcam? pls help.
If it was me I would get the Bel Canto upsampler and a cheap DVD transport. For amp I have had good luck with a Baron on Magnepans
As Lshreve suggested, the Maggie users group is a good place to research opinions on things like this. It strikes me that a number of products will match well with 1.6's, from the variety of producs that people find satisfactory. The reviews I have read lead me to believe that while the 1.6's certainly are revealing of the quality of upstream components, they are not exceptionally fussy about amplification if the amp is stable into a 4 ohm load. When I bought my 1.6's, the dealer also voiced this opinion. Intially, I used an Adcom 545 with quite decent results and have since upgraded to a Belles 150A Hot Rod. The upgrade has brought nice improvements as you'd expect. These are really wonderful speakers that will allow you to upgrade around them as funds and interest allow.
try the aronov int. amp. great tube sound with good bottom end, as good or better than most solid state amps. the music reference RM 9 II amp and the RM5 III pre amps is a great combo. ultra musicial top to bottom. the planet might work well with either set-up. some planets in some systems are very good, they are very system dependent. try before you buy. good luck