Martin Logan Aerius with subwoofer ?????

I am planning to mate my Aerius with a subwoofer. Any suggestions will be appreciated, brand of sub that will match.
Try Velodyne HGS-10. Crossover @ 8oHz. Keep the sub volume down. Will be very smooth.
i would try a pair of vmps' subs - as large as yer room will take, & be sure ya get all the awailable options. use marchand's deluxe version of their xm-9 crossover; its flexibility in plugging in different x-over points, 24db/octave slopes, separate wolume pots for low pass, hi-pass, *and* a volume pot for the x-over frequency, make this an excellent tool for matching to different speakers. marchand also sells this x-over w/a 48db/octave slope, if yer really worried about matching-up to electrostatics. i got the whole package - 2 new largeer subs, a new x-over, & a pair of adcom gfa-555's, & the whole ting cost me only ~$2200... ewe can save by using a pair of their original or smaller subs, & getting one amp, which should really be all ya need, considering that these subs are pretty efficient, and operate at 4 ohms... less distortion, better electronics, & more flexible than all but the most expensive powered subs, & those only equal, not surpass the vmps, imho...


Hey, Doug. I just happen to have an old Adcom GFA555 laying around. What do the VMP's go for on the used market? Might be fun to try them. Also, since subs are prtty much "non directional" is there any problem placing a single sub between my speakers (9 feet apart-center of panels)?
hi jim,

vmps are rarely found on the used market, but they're really inexpensive used - partly, in the case of the larger sub, that at 140lbs & >8cu/ft, it's expensive to ship, i'm sure. there was one on ebay recently that got no bids at a starting price of $275, i tink. ya mite be able to find it in the completed auctions page if ya search vmps on ebay. but, check some dealers for pricing - compared to the powered subs on the market, these are a great deal even bought brand-gnu, considering shipping is included in the price! :>)also, i highly recommend getting all the awailable upgrades

i am a firm believer in using a pair, set-up in proper stereo configuration on the outside of the monitors, but, if ya gotta do yust one, then in the middle is the best place, but it would be preferable in the near-field - i.e.: as a coffee-table. (ackshully, i believe that near-field placement would be best for a pair, too - like end-tables, but my current set-up precludes wires running across the middle of my room.) make sure ya cross 'em over wery low, w/a slope of at least 24db/octave especially if yer only gonna run one sub. that adcom, which puts out 325w into 4 ohms, would do fine w/a pair of subs, but i wanted to get the amps closer to the subs, so i run a pair bridged. at ~$400 used, these make great sub amps! ;~)

good luck, doug

ps - check out vmps' www - brian cheney, the owner, has lotsa inneresting stuff to say about his view of speaker design & sub design.