$1k speakers / Audio Refinement Complete

Help! I live in remote North Idaho and am hours from even a Circuit City! I've purchased an Audio Refinement Complete integrated and need speakers new or used. From Bach to Coltrane to Aretha to Emmylou, I love music. Cerebral cello, sizzling jazz cymbal, funk bass, Strad, flat pickin', Pavarotti, and Sarah Vaughn-I love it all. I can spend up to $1k on speakers-no more. I would be deeply indebted for any expert advice, especially regarding what I might find used online. Thanks in advance.
Try a pair of Meadowlark Kestrels. I have used this combination and it sounds great. The Kestrels are very refined in sound on both extremes. When needed to get down in bass, they will. They are suprising for such small footprint. Good luck
Hi. Boy, thats a tough question! Do you want floorstanders, or a monitor on stands? I have had some experience buying speakers with out hearing them first, it can lead to frustration. There is nothing like kearing a set of speakers in your own system, working in the acoustics of your own listening area. I had owned the Audio Refinement Complete a few years ago, its a great piece, smooth, extended, with excellent bass, but it can run out of steam if not mated with an appropriate load, or speaker. When I had the Complete, I used the B&W 804, 803, and a Monitor Audio PCM 702, which was a great match, but needed speaker stands. Another excellent monitor is the Acoustic Energy Aegis One, which I have in a second system, but again, you will need stands. Its really a tough question, probably why you may not get too many responses, one could really go on and on. But, the Complete is smooth, so a speaker that leans a bit towards brightness would be ok, probably. The Acoustic Energy Aegis series is really great, and they have a couple floorstanders for under a grand, and they have great bass! I do not think you could go wrong with the Aegis series, and oh, B&W has incorporated some of thier Nautilus technology into thier less expensive designs. Finally, you could go to www.audioreview.com and check out the speaker reviews. Once again, you should really listen first to a speaker system in your own system. I hope it works out. Regards, Bill M.
There is a place in Arizona called Speaker Ect. they sell YBA and audio refinment, Pass Labs. They also make there own speakers. And let me tell you they are just awesome. There all hand made. I would call them for a bourcher, there number is 602-272-6696. Ask for Bill (actually there is only 2 of them)so I guess the other would be ok. This place is not a big fancy place it's just 2 guys that know High End. It's easy the say that there Hand MadeSpeaker they sell at $1100 would be a $3000.00 dollar speaker if it went through all the Distribution Channels. They only reason I say that is I was just took a friend over to listen to some high end equipment. And we listen to PASS, YBA, with all kinds of speaker, but magic happened when he played the Audio Refinement on a pair of there hand made Speakers. For the price it easily equaled stuff twice as much. Regards, I hope it helps