$1k speakers / Audio Refinement Complete

Help! I live in remote North Idaho and am hours from even a Circuit City! I've purchased an Audio Refinement Complete integrated and need speakers new or used. From Bach to Coltrane to Aretha to Emmylou, I love music. Cerebral cello, sizzling jazz cymbal, funk bass, Strad, flat pickin', Pavarotti, and Sarah Vaughn-I love it all. I can spend up to $1k on speakers-no more. I would be deeply indebted for any expert advice, especially regarding what I might find used online. Thanks in advance.
I was using a pair of B&W CDM1's with my Audio Refinement integrated and CD player and I found the B&W's to be a good match, but I don't feel the CDM1's were doing the Audio Refinement gear its due justice. I disagree with the poster above who said the Audio Refinement Complete should not be paired with a speaker that uses a soft/silk dome tweeter. That's too broad of a statement, there are far too many factors in a system, not to mention taste, that can dictate the synergy between components like that. I moved away from the CDM1's because they aren't as smooth and musical through the treble as other speakers. Pairing the Audio Refinement with something like the Meadowlark Kestrals, the Vienna Acoustics Haydn's or Reynaud speakers would be ideal in my view. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of a pair of JM Reynaud Twin MK II's, a $745 monitor speaker, today and could let you know how they mate with the Audio Refinement gear if you email me. www.jm-reynaud.com
Wow! I appreciate the great and learned feedback...Please keep it coming. I've tried to learn some things via rec.audio.opinions, but it more resembles a psychiatric ward run by the patients than a forum. Thanks for going out of your way to help a stranger!
Figuy, let me know what your thoughts are on the Reynaud Twin Mk.II. I've been considering them for a second system.
I aggree on the Meadowlark Krestal. Great speaker for the money. Also B&W 805(used) or Green Mountain .5 Cont...(used) would be good monitors to check out. Used you can find Hales Rev2 in your price range also. Would recomend you listen to all these with at least a similar equipment setup before you buy. Good luck......LR