Power for Audio Physics Virgo speakers

How much and what brands of amps sound good with these speakers?
I use a CJ PV11 with a Counterpoint SA20. I like the sound of tubes. The Virgo's need something big like the Counterpoint to drive them. I had a CJ SS amp before but I wasn't crazy about the sound. Having said that, Alan Levinson at Imedia sound, the distributor of Audio Physics, uses Pass gear. They sound great there. That's were I was convinced to get the Virgo's.
I have had virgo's since the day they were bi-wired and have tried many amps,solid state and tubes. first I have a vac 30-30 tube amp it does a great job but delivers a great deal more of power. I have used the plinius 100 watter the art audio 24 watter and a few more.this speaker needs plenty of power due to the 4 ohm load and this speaker also is speaker wire dependant. also one of the responses that you got referred to alan levinson as the importer,it is alan perkins at immedia.have fun listening
I have heard the Virgos with Bel Canto tubes, I don't remember the model. It was amazing. I could not believe the pinpoint placement of sound in space. I have never heard anything like that before. If you want, I could give you the dealer info. He is very helpful
Try Goldmund (solid state) or ARC VT-100 MKII...I think they are the best match. Good luck