Aerial 10 T vs Aerial 8 B

I do not have a local dealer, so I have not been able to compare, I need some advise on these, are the 10's worth the extra cost, I am using a jeff rowland synergy 2 preamp and a ead powermaster 1000 200 x5 8ohms and 375 4 ohms, thanks all
thanks for your responses, I have ordered the 10 T's based on all your responses, thanks again
Do any of you guys with more recent 10Ts have instructions for the sound anchor stands?? I didn't get any, and I'm told there are none. Thanks.
Sfbaydude - I have the original SA stands, can fax you directions if you like. Feel free to email me a fax number at BTW all, I love my 10Ts, felt that they had a better bass balance for my 14 x 18 room vs the 8s. They sound great with my BATs.