Best Bookshelf Speakers

I just blew a driver in one of my bookshelf speakers. I am driving them with an inexpensive reciever. I am looking for a recommendation for replacement speakers. Price NEW must be $1,000 or less. Thanks for the help!
Carl, where can I find a review of the Norwex B-2 on the net? Have you listened to the Coincident Triumph Signature? If so, how would you rate the two speakers, based on your initial impression of the Norwex?
I've not heard the Coincident. I'll check for the reviews, but it seems like you could find them just as quickly as I could. I'll not read any of them until I have written my review (however, I will read them before I post my review, so that I can compare/contrast my personal findings with theirs).
Carl, since I find your comments on components etc. to be extremely enlightening, where do you post your reviews as you mentioned? On this matter, theoretically I cannot think of any benefit in placing speakers within a bookcase/bookshelf.
They, Norwex b-2, have been prased, in the review, in, under "archives"!
B&W CDM-1NT. List is $1200. Many of dealers discount B&W speakers, so it should be around $1000.