Amps for Magnepan 3.6r

I would like some info on the best amp for my maggies. Also what is better biwiring or biamping with a electronic crossover. I'm considering Bryston either a pair of 7Bs or two 4Bs with an electronic crossover. Does anyone have any helpful hints?
You cannot beat the Bryston 7B's with the Maggies. I use the 7B with the 3.5R's and my friend is using the Rogue Audio Monoblock 120's with his 3.5R's. Both offer excellent sound.
Thanks for your responses. Has anyone heard the Marsh amps with the MG3.6r's?
I have used ARC D115 mkII and ARC VT100 mkII amps wtih the 3.5's with excellent results. In fact you can "quasi-biamp" with these amps (ie. use for example 0/4 taps for the mid/treble and 0/8 for the bass.) These amps are nominally 100W. Thus, it is not accurate to claim that the 3.6's need excessive amount of power to perform up to their capabilities.