Sonus Faber Extremas with Krell FPB 600?

Anyone have any thoughts on this possible match?
Don't know about the Extremas, but my Guarneir's sound a lot better (i.e., magical midrange, awesome highs) with tubes thant with SS. I wnet from Bryston 7 BST monos to Aronov monos and do not miss the Brystons at all.
I own a pair of Extremas and use a Krell. It sounds great. If your room is big or you like music loud, you need 200 watts per channel. If your room is small and you don't listen to loud music, you can get away with 100 watts per channel. Loud, low frequencies require a lot of current (amps not watts) which the Krell (among others) can deliver.
The Extrema is different for the other models when it comes to power do to the crossover configuration. I think it is because it doesnt use compaciters. All the above mentioned amps are very laid back with the exception of the Krell. I use dual Classe CA-400's which are also laid back. I have used many amplifiers on these and as important as power is quality amplification is more important.
I had tried (yes, bought them and used them for months) SF Power 3, Classe CA-400, McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe, and Krell FPB300. Guess what, SF Power 3 brings out the magic of Extrema the most despite a little soft on bottom. I no longer have Extrema, but I found something better.