3-way under 1000 new.

Looking to buy a 3way speakers that is under $1000 new. I like jazz, blues, and classical. Are there any out there for this price point? I see most of the good ones start around $1500. I have an all tube system if that helps in the advise.

The problem with biwiring a 2-way is that the midrange comes out of the woofer. On a 3-way the midrange and tweeter are on one set of post, while the woofer is on the other set.
Tube777, in my experience, you're better off upgrading to a single run of higher quality cable than going with two or three runs of a lesser cable. It's more cost-effective to get one run of really good stuff than multiple runs/ lesser stuff. I'm not saying my experience is all-encompassing, but that's the conclusion I arrived at from my own experiments.

I would second Soix's suggestion that you find the speakers that make the magic happen for you first and foremost.

Best of luck to you!
Audiokinesis, What I'm trying to say is that I will be running 2 different amplifiers to my biwire speakers. I most likely will run a ss amp to the woofers, and tube to the top. I have also been told that even using the same amp I can run 2 seperate kinds of cables, and I'm quite curious about this.
I think what people are trying to say is, that bi-wiring is not going to make up for the deficiencies of the speaker. It is a tall order to make a good 3-way speaker for $1K for the pair. If you take the simple method of looking at the dollars, a typical 40% dealer profit puts cost at $600. The manufacurer probably also makes about 1/2 that, or $300. That leaves about $150 for assembly labor like building the cabinets, and maybe $150 to buy 6 drivers, 2 3-way crossovers, connectors, MDF and veneer, wire, grilles, and shipping boxes. If you're lucky, you may get a $20 woofer, a $15 midrange, and a $10 tweeter. Is this what you want to bi-wire to your nice amps? Since I am aware of this, I bought $900 fullrange drivers(Lowther) and made my own cabinets, of a proven design, for a couple hundred. Guess which one will sound better? My point, just like the other posters above have tried to make, is that less can be more, particularly in the lower price ranges. With a 2-way system at the same price point, more of the money can be spent on better drivers, and can get you better sound for your buck. But you must audition, because sometimes you get poor quality drivers in 2-way also. This is the reality of retail audio, and it applies to amps, and everything else, as well as speakers. Now you know why people are spending mega-bucks on their systems.