Vote for the best speakers in 10K range

I didn't have chance to hear many of speakers in that price range. I am curious what is the opinion of the audiophile world.
Only two choices:
Maggie 3.6s(maybe the MG20.1s if you can get a discount)
Sound Lab M2s(maybe SL M1s if the guy from New Orleans will

A box is a box is a box......You can dress them up....
10K a great price point spending more not always helps the sound.....
My favorites JM LAb Mezzo,B&W 801N,802N,Audio Physics Avanti III,Martin Logan Prodigy.
Sure you can spend more and improve what? most 5% and additonal 5k,10K or 15K of expense. The speakers above are truly on the edge of technology today. I for one don't see a point of spending more $. Yeah they are that good, don't take my word for it. GO OUT AND LISTEN :-)
Hi John (above)...Adrenaline 75's

Well you have heard these wonderful speakers because you have pretty much nailed it!
I am still going through all the tweaking but have found these pretty easy to place, unlike a lot of speakers.
Not real sure I need Tom to come down and mess with my
placement :o) :o). Sounds great off axis as well.
These things totally disappear, and have a vibrant, powerful
sound with the best bass you will ever hear. Almost feels
like you turn solid during brief deep bass impacts. KILLER!
And bass alway's remains tight & deep even at lower
Smooth highs and very accurate midrange. (AIRY CITY)
Soundstage has you looking left & right & in between as
if you can alllllmost see the performers. I know this
speaker system can only get better with upgraded components.

Will give more reports later when I have lived with them for awhile, but anyone looking for speakers in the 10k
range should at least hear these 27k new speakers, because
they are a steal for 10-17k used. IMO

I am known for never being happy (Very picky) but feel that
I have won the speaker lottery for sure :o)...BTW, did I
mention how beautiful these are??
Sorry if I went overboard.

Rayhall...Les Encores manquent la base?? Dans ma maison ils
sont tres fort jusqu'a 30 Hz. (-6dB @25Hz). Et une "midrange" sans pareil sauf les hauts parleurs "electrostatic". J'ai peur que vous avez eu une demo avec des autres fautes! Ecoutez encore dans un autre venue, si possible. ATTENTION: le nouveau "woofer" d'Encore est beaucoup plus fort que l'ancienne modele. Bien sur, il est cher, mais il chant avec toute honnetete, et un coherence extraordinaire!
Essayez-vous encore. Je suis sur que vous voudriez changer votre opinion. A bientot.
Rayhall...j'ai oublie: il faut utiliser les "woofers" "front-firing" si le dimension de mur est plus d'une metre.
Si non, les woofers annulent la base de la midrange. Donc un
grand trou entre 60-100Hz. J'utilize les Encores 2 metres devant le mur. Ils faitent BEAUCOUP de base (un petit TROP fort 70Hz) dams mon systeme.