Vote for the best speakers in 10K range

I didn't have chance to hear many of speakers in that price range. I am curious what is the opinion of the audiophile world.
I've heard the adrenalines at a friend's house hooked up to a spectral and rowland setup. Quad Rowland amps ! I thought they sounded like a very large, detailed, and refined multi-coned dynamic speaker. Probably the most remarkable characteristic is their ability to produce large detailed yet weighty soundfields without being overpowering or sounding like a huge speaker. Sonically, they reminded me of a giant audio physic tempo but with greater bass and a larger soundstage. The sheer size of the drivers allows the speakers to portray spacially complex soundfields similar to a magnepan. They don't quite have the coherence of a magnepan 1.6, nor the timbral purity and weight of a vandersteen 5, nor the low level detail and speed of an audio physic virgo. They do manage to do all these things quite well though. Very fast, powerful bass. A real-live reference speaker. Overall, maybe the best speaker I've heard. Very very strong in all areas. Huge things. You must have a dedicated room.....

Tell us what you think !
A mon avis, les Parsifals de Verity Audio manquent la base profonde et, alors qu'ils affichent une presentation generale qui n'est pas tout a fait epouvantable, ces enceintes ne justifient pas la coute qu'il faut payer. Il y a beaucoup d'enceintes qui donnent du son aussi ou plus "lisse" , mais qui coutent moins cher. Et a ce prix, il faut que l'enceinte atteigne les frequences bases assez fortes que la reste de la gamme sonique et qu'elle demontre quelque chose d'exceptionel aux hautes frequences et aux frequences moyennes. D'apres moi, bien que les Parsifals ne sont pas de mauvaise enceintes, ils n'achevent pas un niveau d'etre considere comme une des meilleures de cette categorie. Peut-etre que j'ai recu une mauvaise demonstration, mais c'etait mon opinion.
Only two choices:
Maggie 3.6s(maybe the MG20.1s if you can get a discount)
Sound Lab M2s(maybe SL M1s if the guy from New Orleans will

A box is a box is a box......You can dress them up....
10K a great price point spending more not always helps the sound.....
My favorites JM LAb Mezzo,B&W 801N,802N,Audio Physics Avanti III,Martin Logan Prodigy.
Sure you can spend more and improve what? most 5% and additonal 5k,10K or 15K of expense. The speakers above are truly on the edge of technology today. I for one don't see a point of spending more $. Yeah they are that good, don't take my word for it. GO OUT AND LISTEN :-)
Hi John (above)...Adrenaline 75's

Well you have heard these wonderful speakers because you have pretty much nailed it!
I am still going through all the tweaking but have found these pretty easy to place, unlike a lot of speakers.
Not real sure I need Tom to come down and mess with my
placement :o) :o). Sounds great off axis as well.
These things totally disappear, and have a vibrant, powerful
sound with the best bass you will ever hear. Almost feels
like you turn solid during brief deep bass impacts. KILLER!
And bass alway's remains tight & deep even at lower
Smooth highs and very accurate midrange. (AIRY CITY)
Soundstage has you looking left & right & in between as
if you can alllllmost see the performers. I know this
speaker system can only get better with upgraded components.

Will give more reports later when I have lived with them for awhile, but anyone looking for speakers in the 10k
range should at least hear these 27k new speakers, because
they are a steal for 10-17k used. IMO

I am known for never being happy (Very picky) but feel that
I have won the speaker lottery for sure :o)...BTW, did I
mention how beautiful these are??
Sorry if I went overboard.
