I must be screwed. Kevin suggested that the PV-11 is one of the most "ornery" preamps re: "tube finnickyness". I'm using rubber pads with foam rubber pads on top of them (about .5 inches in diameter) to couple speakers to the stands. The Rega sits on a granite slab/innertube/granite slab/tiptoes/concrete slab floor(carpeted, of course) setup. The preamp has tiptoes pointing down into foam ruber pads/granite/tiptoes/floor, and the amp makes use of it's soft-shoe/coupling spike combo that is stock to the McCormack, sitting on granite slab and you guessed it, tiptoes. McCormack has Synergystic Research Masta Coupla, and the other PC are captive, stock. All cables are elevated from the floor.