Liked the Nautilus 805 but found better?

I really, really like my 805s, but, alas, the bass. I'm looking for those that fell in love, and then found something better. Opinions on the 804's have been mixed. I cant see them being $1500 better than the 805. any and all suggestions appreciated.
I have owned the Nautilus 804 and 803 and found that they were both good, but there were better stuff out there for less money. Try the Sonus Faber Concerto Home which goes for $1895 plus the matching $450 stands. It goes down to 45hx, the Electa Amator II which I've owned is rated to 35hz at -3db, and for a mini-monitor its impressive.
get the diapason adamantes adwertised on audioweb for $1400 - i heard these at a s'phile show, & they flat-out disappeared, went down to 40hz easily, & are georgeous to boot!
Gthirteen, the EA's will go lower than the 805's. Although they are rated to go down to 40hz, they still are not going to give you that true full range sound your looking for. No moniter will except for maybe perhaps the Extrema. Trust me, your gonna want a sub with the EA's. If you don't want a sub, get a larger full range speaker with perhaps a small footprint if size is a concern. A sub actually worked better in my situation. It eliminated an annoying mid bass hump I was experiencing with other full range speakers.
I added a NHT SW2pi last night, just to try. It mates very well, actually. Using a low pass x-over point of about 75hz on the sub, I got good sound with very little fiddling about. This is a tough one, guys. I get to keep the 805s, but have to shell out more $$$ for a sub. I'm going to try a couple of other local subs, but was thinking about the Meadowlark Audio Shearwater. Any thoughts?