amarra or pure music..?

I already use both (on my g5 power mac + dcs debussy), amarra mini and pure music.
I am not sure wich of both is the better sounding sw, they sound slightly different.
pure music, with memory player on, is a little smoother, amrra a little more definite..

Your experiences..?

Thank u..

Ps. pure meusic is not perfectly stabile,. also in the last release. they are sometimes clicks... and the program crased down, saltuary.
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I am very much a computer illiterate. However, I've managed to be using a computer based system as my primary source for going on 4 years now. It's not like it's without its hassles. There are occasional problems. But I find that Google works wonders. I just type in whatever problem I'm having (e.g. iTunes can't find my music library) and there is a whole world of trouble shooting forums that has invariably been able to rescue me. I admit that I have a gnawing fear that something catastrophic will happen that causes me to loose my entire music library (in spite of dutiful backup procedures). But can put that anxiety aside when I listen to the results. BTW, have only heard PM on my system, and it's quite a sonic improvement over iTunes. I agree with other comments that the interface is dorky.
Hello, I have tried both programs in my system (Eastern Electric MiniMax Plus DAC and Paradigm S1 V.3 monitor speakers)and prefer the sound of Amarra over Pure Music. I hear more depth, transparency and better highs from Amarra. Amarra has some of the same code as in the professional mastering program Soundblade, a program widely used in the pro audio community. Also, I like the look of Amarra's interface a lot better than PM. The PM interface looks crude by comparison-a retro 1980s, early PC interface look.
Before making a final choice I listened to both Amarra and PM on my friends system, which consists of Vandersteen 5a speakers, ARC power and a Rega DAC which recently replaced the EE Minimax Plus DAC.

Using either interface was easy, so I don't really see an issue there. But PM had a small edge in soundstage depth and width. From top to bottom we could hear very little difference in sonic character, if any. Glare was not an issue and both did very well with creating a sense of space around instruments. Since my Merlin speakers are great at imaging and soundstage I went with PM and couldn't be happier.

I think people should try both. It is likely that this is more a matter of synergy and taste than one being clearly "better" than the other. They're pretty darn close!

Maybe the question of system matching is coming into play here with Pure Music and Amarra as other posters stated they prefered one of these computer programs over the other. I certainly don't consider hearing both PM and Amarra through Vandersteen 5a to be the ultimate test of the two programs--despite Vandersteen's strong virtues these speakers lack state of the art drivers.