watt 5.1 speaker placement

Anyone have any advice for the initial setup of a pair of watt 5.1's? Specifically looking for separtation between and rear wall distances. Thanks
Once upon a time i had that idea of building Watt/Puppy V speakers. I talked to a few that have done that. And some, that have the originals. Some had very good results, with speakers close to the wall (rear ported). About 1-2', and between 7-9' apart. If your room permits, start from 9' than "toe" them in slightly, so the tweeters "fire" over, each of your shoulders. Try not to "corner" them in. (too close to the side walls) Those, couple of Dynaudios still like to breath. Good luck!
Hey Jason, Below is a formula by George Cardas you can use to place your speakers. I am sure this formula is for all speakers, but give it a try and see if there's a noticable difference. Goodluck. http://www.cardas.com/insights/roomsetup.html
Not one, not even two, but THREE chihuahuas! Anyway, "simon" is correct. Cardas site is helpfull. It takes only few minutes to calculate the lenghts, and result is GREAT! Only thing is, if you do not mean to move heavy speakers like wattPuppies, back and forth, they will pretty much sit way in your room.