Rel Storm and Rel Strata III

Can anyone tell me the differances between thses two? Is the strata III an upgrade to the original storm?
I think the Storm is ported, whereas the Strata is sealed. I tried both independently but not together. I think the Storm was more extended, but not as tight as the Strata.
PS: I have read other comments like Redkiwi's. I have also tried both. The Storm tightens up considerably if you upgrade the stock computer grade power cord that comes with it. (Yes is does have the IEC power cord connection.) I bought the Storm III
Hi Sugarbrie. I did try the Storm with the top-of-line XLO powercord - unfashionable today, but actually one of the more neutral sounding power cords, and the only one that I had spare that was long enough. I didn't get the chance to try the Storm and Strata together, but suspect the Strata sounded tighter only because it rolled-off quicker. I got more promising results from the Storm in terms of soundstage bloom and suspect it did a much better job in the 20 to 30Hz region.