How to buy from Audiogon?

Hi, I am going to make a first purchase of a speaker from a seller in audiogon. Is this base completely on trust that the seller will ship the speaker once he receives the money (money order)? Does any one has any problems with the purchse on the net? Thanks.
I don't know how much money your talking about, but if it's fairly substantial I would handle the transaction with C.O.D. payment terms. Cash up front to someone you don't know or doesn't have references is risky to say the least. C.O.D. is the fairest & safest method for both parties concerned.
I bought a $4000 pair of speakers from an Audiogon seller. I used the escrow service I-escrow. You send the money to I-escrow. I-escrow notifies the seller payment has been made. Seller ships merchandise to buyer. Buyer inspects merchandise and notifies I-escrow to make payment to seller. The fees are reasonable and worth it for major purchases. Good luck
Has anyone used That seems like a good way to go, and it allows purchasers to pay via credit card. Is there a downside to Paypal that I'm not aware of?
I too have used Iescrow and have been satisfied with the result of the transaction. The seller was also happy with the results . Iescrow is probably the safest way to make a transaction. Paypal is ok but it does not guarantee the quality of the item purchased. Also I believe the seller must be a verified user with paypal in order to have any fraud protection coverage. I am too paranoid to use C.O.D. Seems like there is no protection for the buyer.