Pipedreams... Any thoughts?

Has anyone heard these speakers? Are they the best you have heard? If not, what have you heard that is better and why?
It sounds to me like they want to MAKE SURE that their customers are completely satisfied with the product. Part of this would be doing extensive follow up and consultation as needed. After all, you paid quite a chunk for those and they want you to get every pennies worth. It might seem strange to some, but this level of dedication and customer service should be what ALL of "high end" is about. Sean >
I was at CES 2001. I thought the Wadia/Pipedream room was the best sounding room there. My friend who has been to 18 straight CES's said it was one of the top 3 rooms he has ever heard!
I've heard them at holm audio near chicago. In a word..incredible. Lifelike and effortless, although I have yet to hear them at high volume.
hi rcprince,

as the owner of the most recent wersion of the melos ma333 preamp (the music-director), i humbly submit it *is* up to "that level" of equipment as the lamms. not that i'm biased, or anything! ;~)

melos used to be paired w/the pipedreams at shows like ces, before melos had financial diffiulty & stopped offering new product. also, according to melos' current owner, soundlabs speakers are a favorite w/melos-owners, as well as pipedreams. melos' current owner offers mods/repairs to melos gear, & is hoping to start manufacturing product in the near future. i, for one, hope they are succesful... :>) besides, the music-director, the sha-gold was an outstanding pre at its price-point of ~$2k, & is a bargain preamp at the ~$1k used-market price i've seen 'em being adwertized for, imho...

regards, doug

Hi Doug. My recollection is that it was an older Melos preamp, the SHA Gold, not the current version. The preamp was not really much of a limiting factor in our listening, either, as it did very well in the set-up. My point was more going to the inexpensive CD front end we listened to which, while terrific for its price, did have its shortcomings. I will also note that I thought the system really came alive when we listened to vinyl!