Verity Audio Parsifal

I have no experience wit these speakers other than reading an anedote in Stereophile. Audiogon has a model offered at an intriguing price. Will be using these speakers with some vintage gear (mid '80's stuff: CJ PV5 and threshold S300 which has about 150 watts per channel). Room is fairll large 18 x 15 x 7.5' high). As far as what I'm looking for in a pair of new speakers:
a.) Looking for a mid range that will make me sit-up and take notice (I listen to a lot of piano music on vinyl)
b.) High end extension with transients that are lightning fast
c.) Overall coherence (no seams)
d.) No beaminess (for lack of a better term)

If you listen to a lot of piano,I would suggest Soliloquy 6.3's. They have a great Midrange, also good for chamber and vocals. Excellant!
the verity parsifal is a very good speaker that should offer the kind of sound you seek. they are, however, quite revealing and may "magnify" the weaknesses in your electronics. the cj tubes should help to take the edge off the thresholds but i'd suggest you use the parsifals as a starting point to build a really first-rate system. good hunting. -kelly
Check they have a review on the parsifal. i have heard the parsifal (not in my system) and the midrange was quite magical, soundstaging was also very impressive, system was all BAT. not to go out on a limb but they reminded me of Wilson products, with less bite in the high end, and a much more musical sound. My 2 cents