Inner Sound Eros Experiences

Can anyone tell me about their experiences with Inner Sound? I'm considering a pair. Will they play loud vs. Magnepan 3.6? What electronics do you use? Is the set up more picky then a Magnepan 3.6? Reliability? Company status? How big of a sweet spot vs. MG 3.6rs? Is the company more custy friendly than Magnepan?
I had a pair of Eros Inner sound speakers and the ESL amp in my home for a few weeks. My general observation, They play LOUD (105 db SPL+) in an approximately 8000 cu foot room. The bass integration is as good as all but the very best hybrid design, but does require careful room placement. I found it best when the speakers were fairly far from the wall despite the manufacturers claims. If you want the absolute bottom octave you will need a sub. I think that they are a very good value for the money and would recommend a listen. I think they are especially good on art rock and chamber. They aren't quite so good on very large scale orchestral music but then I'm comparing them with my Dunlavy SC-V and customized 400 watt Melos monoblocks. I've also owned full range Acoustats and double Quads so I have some experience with the electrostat sound.
Plato -- This is not meant to discourage you from liking your innersound spkrs, but if you're serious abt wanting a better spkr with a wider 'sweet spot' and all around superior spkr, try the merlin vsm-m. I directly compared them to the innersound and the merlin substantially bettered them in all areas. I actually wanted to like the innersound spkrs because I liked the idea of the bass amp etc... A note of disclosure: I owned merlin vsm-se spkrs for abt 3 yrs before I went shopping for new spkrs.
hi plato, i can't disagree w/what yure saying here - of course, *1st* priority is *ewe*, in the sweet-spot. :>)

re: newforms, i haven't heard 'em either - but their 30-day audition policy seems fair enuff, & i'd only be out shipping, if i dint tink they were *the ones*. re: their bass-response, it's really not an issue for me, as i already have a subwoofer set-up, but i can see possible concerns if ya don't. 'cuz of my subs, i'm currently leaning towards the nhb645's, instead of the r645's, cuz, while they sacrifice a few hz at the bottom, i tink they'd be faster up to 1khz, where they have to blend w/the e-stats. i'm also considering doing a custom-yob, w/accuton drivers, which should be an order of magnitude faster than *either* of the above...

regarding bfs, i try to take *all* second-hand info as a starting-point, to narrow my search. in the case of the newforms, unless there's someone in the frederick md area that has 'em & wants to inwite me to hear 'em, i'm stuck - except for being willing to risk return-shipping charges.

regards, doug

oh, re: the newforms' appearance, ya mean there are speakers out there that are actually *uglier*??? ;~)

I've got the Newform Research Monitor 30's and the soundstage and imaging are great. The sweet spot, about maybe 2 people wide, but it is listeable in much wider area. They have that great airiness of electrostatics. These are made to mated to subwoofers so not directly comparable to the 645 series. With only a 30 inch ribbon, you can definitely tell the difference when you stand up. These speakers definitely need a quality subwoofer. I need to upgrade to a faster one. I have some of the rare full length grilles, which help their odd apprearance, but they sound better with them off
Thanks, just my two cents worth.
It really boils down to perspective where one mans dream is another mans lunch. In my opinion, ESL's tend to be highly room dependant to a far greater degree that box speakers loaded with dynamic drivers. Even if you have a great room, set up and placement is critical to reveal the optimum sonic character and performance. Additionally, ESL's can tend to be a bit difficult to drive due to the low shifting impedance loads. I've listened to the ML Prodigy on 4 different occasions and have heard them sound magnificent and in a different set up they sounded terrible. The Innersound Eros hybrid certainly fall into this category. The flat ESL panel design scope of the Eros can render extremely detailed, timbre correct top end magic. The bad news is that this flat panel produces a "Sweet Spot" that tends to be smaller than a curved ESL. If a wide sweet spot is mission critical to your listening experience the Eros is probably not going to be your cup of tea.

In my experience, there is no question that the Eros produces better bass definition than anything in the ML product line up from the Prodigy on down. To my ears, transmission line bass enclosures deliver bass like nothing else. Personally I think the build quality of Innersound far exceeds most of ML product offerings and I certainly would not describe it as "shoddy". Take a hard look at the fit and finish of the bass cabinet of the ML Request for design and workmanship. There is no comparison and the bass quality that is produced by both speakers reflect this.

I purchased a pair after months of auditioning the Maggies and ML product offerings. Roger Sanders gets 5 stars for excellent customer support. Innersound is totally customer focused and that is important to me. I suppose the Eros are not perfect for everyone nor are they intended to be. For me, the Eros delivers the music in spades and I'm extremely happy with them. Isn't that what we all dream about? Regards; -Jerie