Musical subwoofer for under 1K

I'm looking for a new/used subwoofer that will work well with my ML aerius's. I would like to keep it under $1k. I listen to music 1st, H/T 2nd. Room size is 18x24.
mitch, imho, the best connection is from preamp to a hi-quality active x-over, w/signal above x-over point going to the amp(s) driving the m-l's; and the low frequencies going to the amp driving the subs. an alternate would be to yust x-over the subs & run the m-l's full-range. any reasonably-priced powered subs' electronics will muck-up the sound of the m-l's much more than a decent active x-over, imo...

Not sure if you're still monitoring this string...I have M/L Aerius's as well and am looking for a did the Vndersteen 2W you got work out?

Do not by any subwoofer before listening to the Bag End Infra Sub-18. Very musical. 400W and goes down to 8 HZ (if you can hear it!). I own one after intensive research, including help from this site. Was rated the highest on the "Stereophile Guide to Home Theater". I listen to music 99%. This is it for me!
Try an AAD C-10, I think it is, way below $1,000 and I just installed one with a friends Aerius i speakers and it worked very fine indeed. Do not run the Aerius out of the sub, use its internal crossover, just add the subwoofer in parallel with your speakers (a la the REL method), set the crossover point on the sub to its lowest point and play with the volume level on the sub, move it around, and move your Aerius a bit further out from the wall than you had it before. You could afford 2 new ones for around $1,000.
Has anyone heard the ACI Titan or Titan II? They start at about $799 and have gotten rave reviews on
I was thinking of pairing these with Maggies.