Soliloquy 5.3 Linn Ninka or B W? Help?

I am looking for a new set of speakers and need opinions please! My system consists of:
B&K AVP 4090
Nakamichi MB 10s
MSB Link III with Upsample
Citation 5.1 (Might be upgrading to Mesa Baron)
Rel Storm Sub

I have heard the Ninkas and do not have a dealer close to me for solilquy. I really love the sub and need help narrowing down my choice? I can sell the sub if I get a full range speaker. Any any suggestions would be helpfull in the 1500.00 - 2000.00 range

Best Regards
Talk to Underwoodwally here on Audiogon about Soliloquy. He can get you a pair of 6.3s in your price range. E-mail me if you want more details.
To my ears B&W sounds very mid-fi. Linn and solioquy are much more refined sounding. I understand that B&W is actually not nearly as highly regarded in the UK(where it is made) as it is in the USA where uh, BOSE is made. I don't mean to equate all american speakers to BOSE by any means - just that both B&W and bose have managed to capture different segments of the market more through advertising than through quality sound. Put a nautilus up against a pair of Aerials or Verity Audios or LINNs and the B&Ws sound pretty average.
If in US (where BOSE is made), you should audition Merlin TSM-ST, i believe the best monitors one can buy (used to match your budget)! If in GB, check on Triangle Antal, floorstander, an/or PMC FB-1.