1K speaker advice?

I am looking to upgrade speakers from Dana Audio 1s to something full range with better resolution, with about $1K to spend. I have a NAD 100wpc power amp. I listen mostly to vocals, acoustic music, and blues - and to a lesser degree jazz, rock and classical. A local audio store has a used pair of Thiel C2 at $700. They sound great but I'm concerned about the age and how they will sound with my front end equipment. Am I better off buying something new - if so I welcome suggestions.
I'm not sure abou the exact prices, but B&W's 600 series and their cdm bookshelf are really good with vocals, jazz and acoustic & classical but are a little muddy with rock. I owned a pair of the dm603 series1 with an NAD 314 and found it to be a good rig with great vocals and a huge soundstage. I hear that Magnepans are pretty good too. Have fun.
click on "monitor demo's" and check them out. I'm not sure he hs any left at $795 at Synersound. Better than Reynaud Twins. They origally sold for $1,695
Listen to the B&W CDM-1NT. You should be able to find a new pair in your price range. Don't just take our advice, go listen and make your own decision. Good Luck!