I have heard the Pipedreams loudspeaker for extended listening sessions in the dedicated listening room of a good friend. I have been an audiophile for over 25 years. During these years, in addition to enjoying alot of live music, I have had the good fortune of listening to and owning some very musical and stimulating audio systems. These experiences have afforded me the opportunity to recognize and appreciate the reproduction of a world-class musical experience in the home. The Pipedream speakers produce a listening experience which creates a very unique sonic immersion for the listener. This speaker soundstages and images with the very best of them....but its uniqueness lies in its ability to create a sonic space which is omnidirectional delivering audio cues above, below, behind and around the listener. I have never heard a speaker recreate the sonic space in such three dimensional accuracy. They are a highly musical and involving speaker which mesmerizes and transfixes the listener...when I listen to them, I am connected to the music. I hope that sets the record straight on the Pipedreams as a world-class product.
As for the unethical practice of anonymous disparagement by dealers of competitive equipment, "Caveat Emptor"...."Buyer Beware". Anyone who would resort to such unscrupulous behavior in an effort to discredit one product or falsely enhance the image of another must have something to hide. Most of the credible dealers I know, encourage the highest scrutiny of any audio product....preferably in the listeners home system. Mr. Gerlach, in order to allay any question of impropriety, perhaps you should provide an arragement with your closest Pipedreams dealer to allow your prospective Dunlavy customers a side-by-side comparison in their home. Clearly, any speaker performing in the less-than $500 range will be trounced by any Dunlavy product!