Audio Physic Virgos......

I am looking for amplification for these babies, I love their world class soundstaging, musicality, and precision. Any owners please write with components they have found successful, thanks Mark
I enjoyed these for a while. Upline I had a S. Yorke TT/ Symphonic Line Ref cdp /CAT III & S-Line Klangquelle pre / Bearlabs cables / and played with some amps. Generally found that the more current available the better -- i.e., no compression, fuller sound, good transients and correct timbres w/out compromising clarity.
The amps I enjoyed (from a limited sample, I admit) were:
Symphonic Line RG7, KR Antares, KR Monos (6-8000), S-Line Kraft 250A (the best sound IMO, but overkill?), YBA Passion stereo.
The first two amps -- while the cheapest -- were not, by any stretch of the imagination lacking in overall presentation, musical enjoyment or otherwise. Pls note that I listen to classical & blues, YMMV.
There are surely many other choices. Good luck!
I have the AP Libras, which I power with Bel Canto EvO 200.2 monoblocks. The combination works beautifully.