Subwoofer Controls? Dual Volume Setting

I currently own a B&W ASW1000 subwoofer and use it in my home theater as well as for two channel music. The trouble I'm having is that I believe there should be different settings for HT vs. 2 channel music.

For example a perfect subwoofer setting for the Matrix would produce horrible results when listening to most music.

I know the B&W ASW4000 has separate LFE inputs and L/R Line Level inputs governed by separate volume controls for each.
Unfortunately, B&W does not provide this option on ANY of is's other subwoofers.

Does anyone have a fix for this? Is there a subwoofer control device of sorts which has separate inputs and would provide separate volume controls for LFE and L/R?
imho, my humble pair of bridged adcom gfa-555's are better than the amplification in *any* powered subs. also, my marchand deluxe xm-9 crossover is better than the x-over in *any* active sub - more transparent *and* more flexible. combine these with subwoofers that don't try to alter the laws of physics (i like my vmps larger subs), and yule end up w/bass as good as yure gonna get, w/o blowing the budget. *real*, deep, textured, tight, accurate, un-distorted, hi-level (if/when ya want it), BASS...

i tried a retail $1500 rel (stratus? storm? - don't recall...), and for music, frankly, it was a joke, imo - one-note thump, & not wery deep, at that. mebbe two wooda worked better, but, then it wooda cost more than my present set-up, which except for one of the amps, was purchased brand-gnu...

My question wasn't "What is the best subwoofer?"
My Question IS, is there a control device which allows
for at least TWO inputs and TWO volume settings that
will work with ANY subwoofer?
i'm confused as to why ewe want two inputs - unless yure using a h-t receiver to drive the subs, & are *also* using an audio-only preamp to drive the subs. if this is the case, i suggest using a marchand x-over, which has flexibility for the wolume-settings, & yust plug/unplug two sets of interconnects.
Thanks Sedond. That is exactly what I am doing. I have a Krell HTS (home theater receiver) and the output goes into the left channel of my B&W sub. I also have a Krell KAV 500i (integrated amplifier) and it's two pre-amp outs go into the right channel through a Y-connector. Trouble is, I believe that Home Theater requires deeper, more powerful and a little louder bass than does two channel audio. I find myself turning the volume on the sub down and up based upon what I am listening to (HT or 2channel). I am looking for something that will take the LFE output of the HT preamp, AND the L/R preamp outputs of the integrated amplifier and allow me to adjust the volume independently. That way, I can have my sub cranked up for Home Theater and perfectly matched to my speakers for 2 channel audio without having to re-calibrate the system every time I switch sources. Plus, I'm hoping to get rid of that Y-connector.

Any more suggestions?