Subwoofer Controls? Dual Volume Setting

I currently own a B&W ASW1000 subwoofer and use it in my home theater as well as for two channel music. The trouble I'm having is that I believe there should be different settings for HT vs. 2 channel music.

For example a perfect subwoofer setting for the Matrix would produce horrible results when listening to most music.

I know the B&W ASW4000 has separate LFE inputs and L/R Line Level inputs governed by separate volume controls for each.
Unfortunately, B&W does not provide this option on ANY of is's other subwoofers.

Does anyone have a fix for this? Is there a subwoofer control device of sorts which has separate inputs and would provide separate volume controls for LFE and L/R?
My question wasn't "What is the best subwoofer?"
My Question IS, is there a control device which allows
for at least TWO inputs and TWO volume settings that
will work with ANY subwoofer?
i'm confused as to why ewe want two inputs - unless yure using a h-t receiver to drive the subs, & are *also* using an audio-only preamp to drive the subs. if this is the case, i suggest using a marchand x-over, which has flexibility for the wolume-settings, & yust plug/unplug two sets of interconnects.
Thanks Sedond. That is exactly what I am doing. I have a Krell HTS (home theater receiver) and the output goes into the left channel of my B&W sub. I also have a Krell KAV 500i (integrated amplifier) and it's two pre-amp outs go into the right channel through a Y-connector. Trouble is, I believe that Home Theater requires deeper, more powerful and a little louder bass than does two channel audio. I find myself turning the volume on the sub down and up based upon what I am listening to (HT or 2channel). I am looking for something that will take the LFE output of the HT preamp, AND the L/R preamp outputs of the integrated amplifier and allow me to adjust the volume independently. That way, I can have my sub cranked up for Home Theater and perfectly matched to my speakers for 2 channel audio without having to re-calibrate the system every time I switch sources. Plus, I'm hoping to get rid of that Y-connector.

Any more suggestions?
I agree with sugarbie. The REL Strata III is a terrific sub for music and HT. I use it with Nautilus 805's and the dual hookups and controls are fantastic and make for simple matching with your speaker system. You wouldn't be sorry. Probably not as deep (boomy) as more HT oriented subs, but IMHO, not much of a compromise if you want a sub for music too.