Paradigm 100 v2 vs PSB goldi

Which of these two will play cleaner louder and still be refined in my 18'x 24' open ended room.
Aragon 8008B amp, Theta Dig. Front end.
Will add subs to aid from 40-50-hz down. I currently have Def Tech BP2000, but at louder volumes can sound strained/harsh and the built in subs run out of steam.(Also would like more refined sound then the def techs)
I've owned the Paradigm 100'sv2 as well as the PSB Goldi's and although my equipment has changed since I had both I have to say that the PSB Gold's mid range is wonderful, especially for the price. The bottom end seemed a more full on the PSB as opposed to the paradigm. However, the Paradigm had a slightly tighter bass kick than the PSB and really more of a neutral sound to offer. I used the Paradigms with a solid state system and the PSB goldi's with the same solid state system as well as my now tubed based system. As far as using them in a room your size, how much you get out of either of these speakers will depend on your sitting position and the acoustics of the room. Both speakers IMO should be able to handle that much space and if not you're going to have to kick out a lot of extra bucks to find a speaker that can.

My humble system:
PSB Goldi's on 2" concrete slabs
Bryston 3Bst - 2-channel
Sonic Frontiers Line -1
Acurus ACD-11 / modified MSB Link DAC3
Harmonic Technology Truth Links ITC's
DH Labs Q-10 Bi-wired speaker cable
Oh Yeah! Looking for a sub? Go to or and see what they are saying about SVS subs!! I'm talking tuned to 16HZ!!!!
The Stratus is an excellent cost performance alternative.
I have no experience with the Paradigm's you mention. As Martice pointed room accoustics are a major component specially in bass response. My room is close in dimensions to yours and is not a closed one i.e. have open ways to bedroom area and dining room. In spite of this I'm able to get good bass extension to 25 Hz not talking linear but there's response measured with SPL and test tone disc.
I also recommend you to play with room positioning of the speakers/listening position to get better bass response with any speaker since they might be sitting in a less than desirable room accoustic place. A few inches realy can modify bass quality.
The Golds continue to satisfy and bring up all improvements the tweaks I do up in the sound chain.

Martice are you using the standard spikes on the Golds?
Let me share with you this, I just bolted in Audio Points brass footers and the overall improvement is well worth the investment: resolution, detail, bass quality. For me there's no way back to the standard ones.....
Here's the recommendation Robert Maicks from Audiopoints suggested for the Golds:

"The Stratus Gold should use our 1.5AP-A Threaded Audio Point. It is a narrow body type with a 1/4"-20 thread that will screw into the existing holes on the Golds."

Sol did Robt from audio points recommend using 4 threaded
audio points for PSB Gold-i over 3 non threaded points used in triangle formation, which they seem to favor at their
web site? I may try some for my PSB Silver-i
Well I called Robert at audio points and he said he recommends using 4 threaded narrow 1.5" cones on the PSB
Gold/Silver stratus models. He said three cones works better
on electronic components. Also wanted me to try the sistrum
speaker stand which is even better than cones. Also said to tighten all cones so flange couples with speaker, and use spacers under points to level. BTW the cones are not cheap, @$20 each!