Help with speakers Martin Logan SL3

I have a set of ML SL3's. These speakers contain a 10" bass driver. I have been reading several responses about these speakers and am confused.

I am using a California Audio Labs CL-2500 (500x5) amplifier of which 50 watts operates in class "A".
The speakers can handle up to 200 watts. When I crank
the volume up, maybe a classical or jazz piece, the amplfier clips! Here is the kicker. My preamp is a CLASSE
SSP-50 and when I run it in 5 channel stereo (which includes the ML Logos and Scripts) ONLY the two front channels clip. Is it strange the two front channels are being run to my preamp through balanced cables while the others are not?

Any ideas/suggestions/help?

Once again, I am confused. Per the manual, "The CL-2500 Multi-Channel Amplifier (MCA) provides 500 watts RMS to each of five
channels making this unit the most powerful home theater amplifier on the market today."

If I am getting (knowing price does NOT indicate quality) 500 watts per channel from a $7,500 amp, is it truely possible it is NOT ENOUGH?

I am using a SL-3 for the front Logos for Center and Scripts for rear. Have driven them with the following amps:
1) B&K 7250
2) Aragon 8008BB and 8008x3
3) Proceed HPA 2&3
4) EAD PowerMaster 2000
It never clip for any of these amps. It could be a bad amp if I am not wrong. Since Martin Logan are hard to drive. Wish you the best of luck in resolving your problem. If you need more advice feel free to email me.

Dan, didn't know much about this amp but I did some searching on the net for reviews. From everything I read that amp should have plenty of power to drive your Logans. You might want to check with Cal. Audio to see what they think. How loud are you trying to play these? Does the amp actually go into "protection" mode and shut down?
Thanks No_money and hifinerd,

As for loud, lets say reference levels. I can give a better description of what happens. First off, I get very little bass out of these, not uncommon. Using a Velodyne 18 for Home Theater, I am not concerned, however, in 2 channel, all low frequencies leave the room. So as I turn the Classe SSP-50 up to about -35 to -40 (-60 is the max) with each channel set at about +6dB (problem? should it be 0?) the two front channel, using balanced cables, clip. This means, the speaker continue playing, the amp still works, but the two dummy (good for people like me) lights come on sporatically reading CLIP. When I look at the bass driver it is COMPLETELY maxed, moving as if there is TOO MUCH power.

Keep in mind, the volume is VERY loud at this point! I just find it odd that the other speakers do not clip. I believe I have them all set at LARGE?!

hi, it sounds to me that your simply over driving the sl3, if you have balanced on your front and single ended on center and rears , you have 6db more output of gain versus the single ende d. plus if you added 6 db of gain on the front thats a total of 12 db or 4 times the power versus the other speakers. power doubles for every 3 db loudness example sl3 4 ohm load requires 2watts for90db 4watts 93db 8 is 96 ,16 is 99 ,32 is102, 64 is105db plus you need in reserve a ten times amount of power not to clip the signal on dynamic peaks. example 8average watts 80 on peaks. on your loud music 32avg 320 peak 64avg 640peak, you can see how quickly you can use all that power for a small increase in volume. hope this helps you understand power versus loudness.