Lowther classic audio

Does any body have a set of these that could comment on the sound of these . I hear the speakers only work well in the horn loaded cabinets, not the bass reflex type. Is the bass better than the horn type , do these image as well . Greg
a horn-loaded design that i'm curious about is the hedlund horn.


this is designed for the lowthers, or the aer driver, which is basically a german-made lowther knock-off, that's supposed to best the lowthers in all areas.(perhaps addressing your concerns, lak?)

the hammer s-12 - a wery interesting concept, really isn't truly full-range; it goes from ~45hz to 11khz, & uses a x-over w/a supertweeter.

Lak, I spoke to David today and he is a very bright guy, and very angry at the people who trash his speakers [dealers] .I ordered the plans and when I finish the cabinets I`ll order the drivers .I believe the guy when says there the best speaker made, I shall see if this is true in a few weeks, I`ll keep you posted . Greg
Greg, Glad to hear your a man of action. Which driver do you think you will purchase?
Sedond, I looked at the Hedlunds website, very interesting! When I listened to a traditional Lowther horn loaded speaker next to the new larger double ported box the horns sounded like certain frequencies were being boosted, and others attenuated. Lost the sense of realism that the reflex pair had, and the bass got really muddy sounding as well. The German driver could sound better however I never heard them.
Lak, I don`t know at this time , I will look at the dx 2 and the pm6c, I`m not sure yet but I plan to do some more research on them. I could hardly find to many people who like them, so many were so dead against the speakers being used in a bass reflex, they were down right mean as hell about it. I saw an article about hte mini towers and the reveiwer like them very much, some people just slamed them and never heard them at all, they just didn`t like the idea of there LOWTHER in a bass reflex. Greg