Any experience... Merlin+Wadia+Rowland

My current set-up is a Wadia 850 connected directly using a pair of Cardas Golden Reference XLR to a Jeff Rowland model 10.
My speakers... I am thinking of a Merlin VSM-M/w BAM but I have friends who have cautioned me that the speaker essentially prefers more tube than solid state (amp).
Any opinions?
I have the "SE" version. Tibes are what Bobby uses. The M's also come in a Solid State configuration which is what i'll upgrade to.
I had the Rowland Model 10 driving the Merlin VSM-SEs at one point. I also used several other top amps on the Merlins, including BAT VK-60, Fi 300B SET, Atma-Sphere M60 MkII OTLs, and Levinson 334. None of them really worked, the Merlins are fatiguing speakers long-term. I replaced them first with Meadowlarks and now with Kharmas, both speakers are much more enjoyable than Merlins. YMMV.
PS--I tried various Cardas, JPS, Analysis Plus, Nordost, TG Audio, Tara Labs, and Transparent Audio cables with the Merlins. Nothing cured the "in-your-face" nature of the Merlins, though the Analysis Plus was (surprisingly to me) the least objectionable of the lot, even more than Bobby's long-term reference, Cardas Golden Cross and now Golden Reference.
I've used my Merlins with a Pass Aleph 3, a Bel Canto SETi40, a 47 Labs Gaincard, an old Luxman M2000, a NAD 960(?), and an old COunterpoint SA100 (all with Golden Cross ICs and speaker cable). My fave was the Counterpoint, but the speakers worked well with all of the amps. The old VSM-SE were heavily damped to match amps with lower damping rates (usually tube), but the new Millenium versions offer a choice of wiring harnesses to match tube (T-harness) or solid state (S-harness). The Dynaudio Esotar tweeters are very revealing in the top-end, but I've never found them to be fatiguing. The Audio Review write-ups of the Millenium version mention them having more body, but I haven't upgraded yet. I would definitely recommend trying them with your Rowland amp before buying.
Hey folks I just have to comment on the Merlin speakers, (as being a previous owner of many of their speakers)how far can you extend the current design, it is the same sized cabinet as what they started this speaker with and I believe the price was approx. $2500-$3000/pr..I see they arenow offering another version of this speaker for $8000/pr.. Where is the $5000/pr.increase coming from?
Just my two cents worth.