Tube or SS for Sonus Faber Amati Homage

I just acquired a pair of Amati Homage, much more efficient than my previous speakers. I have a Pass X-350 which will drive just about anything, but I actually like the "distortion" of tubes and would love to own tubes again. How much power is needed to drive the Amati? Dealer told me Amati works better with SS because Sonus Faber usually underdamps bass and needs SS to control the low end. I also heard Amati makes best sound with single ended like BAT VK-75SE or Nagra? Who is right and what do you use?

I have a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 SE, I am inclined to use Power 2 or Power 3 to get better synergy or will I be better off using something else?
IMHO the Nagra always seems to have trouble controlling base on even intermediate-load speakers at moderate listening volumes. I have heard the amps on three separate pairs of speakers and would be surprised if you would find them complete and compelling on the Amati Homage.

You should be able to find truly wonderful tube match for the Amati Homage depending upon price constraints. I have heard a couple of SS amps with the Amati Homage (but not the Passion 1000 monos), and found myself not fully engaged by the music. They should really blossom with a great tube amp I would imagine. A couple of the posters so far including Audio999 (Johan) can give you some quite varied listening impressions...

Good luck,
If the opportunity arises, the following tubes in my (limited) experience deserve a listen: Tenor, KR mono, CAT (stereo), big ARC monos, Pathos monos. I wouldn't want to give preference which could only reflect my musical tastes.
There are certainly more choices that others can contribute. Good luck!
Thorty40: Let us make it clear... have you heard the Amati's with the amps you are recommending? If not it is an assumption or second hand knowledge and should be stated as such.

When you state the amp you own is "the best you heard to date", I think we all have a right to know what your level of experience is.

I know it appears that I am being a bit harsh and I do no intend for that. I just think while the Berning amps are a nice inexpensive solution that may work, it would be nice to know if you have heard the combination.
Jtnn, does this mean you would like a resume of mine also along with a personal biography and maybe a complete color portrait? :) Please, lets stay on topic and instead of expending energy trying to discredit me why don't we just offer some advice for this person looking for a nice amp to use with his Amati Homage.

This is an observation of mine based soley upon the comments of yours above, if I am wrong then I am mistaken and I appologize. It just seems like an aggressive approach (ie. "This guy just bothers me so let me see if I can do something to instigate an uprise.") to what should be a fun topic to explore.

If you want some background information about me and my knowledge of various audio equipment then just e-mail or call me and lets talk.

One last thing, the answer to your question is no. Now, if the thread would have stated please only owners of Amati provide (feedback or something like that) then I would not have posted anything.

These threads should be educational and light hearted in my opinion, if someone does not agree with anothers thread then thats fine. We are all entitled to our opinions, right? Even if it is speculation - still an opinion and just that, an exercise of free speach if you will.

Here's the whole list of speakers I have personally heard with the David Berning ZH-270:

Sound Lab Pristine II
Harbeth HL7ES
Jean Marie Reynaud Twinn MK II
Sonus Faber Grand Piano
Sonus Faber Electra Amator
Magnepan 1.6QR
Magnepan 3.6QR
Dunlavy SC4A
Quad ESL 63
Acoustat Spectra 2200
JM Lab Electra 926
JM Lab Electra 906
JM Lab Cobalt 802
Paradigm Reference Studio 40 v.2
Revel Ultima Studio

I think thats it, I'll be sure to repost if I think of any I may have overlooked.