Speakers 500,for Audio Refinement Amp

I am currently getting a new system, sold my Audio research LS-7 pre and my Rogue 88 ,replaced it with "The Audio Refinement Complete integrated amp.Also selling my Martin Logan Aerius speakers, so I am looking for an inexpensive small bookself speaker, the smaller the better and under $500,I like the new B&W LM1's, perhaps bostin acoustics, Yes I know I am downgrading but the amp is really great and I do have a MSB DAC and Nordost wires so I still have the makings of a very 'good' system if I can get ther right speakers, Thanks for any suggestions, Nick
Look at the Boston Acoustics CR-8. Can be had usually for less than $300.00. I bought a pair several weeks ago when Sound Advice in Florida had them for buy one get one free. A frequent poster at Audio Asylum had been raving about them for some time and I had not really listened to a BA speaker since I owned them in the early 80's. Bottom line they are a great speaker for them money and can do an honest mid 40hz if placed properly. Since some of the newer BA speakers can be a little foward they would be a great match with the AR which is somewhat laid back. While these speakers cannot compete with the Vandersteens, Meadowlarks and Reynauds I have on hand at anywhere from 3 to 10 times the price they are a great bargain and are very satisfing. I am using them presently with a tube amp whose sonic signature is very simular to the AR. Another good speaker to try is the Sound Dynamics RTS-3, which can be bought for less than $200. It has recieved rave reviews from several magazines including Absolute Sound. Not much to look at but a great sound. Takes at least 100 hours to break in. Does not sound good right out of the box.
Maybe a pair of Linn Kan's or if you could squeeze another $100 there are a pair of Silverline SR12's for sale for under $600 (I have no connection to the the seller) that would be nice. I just sold a pair of Castle Isis that are great little speakers, but I rarely see them on the used market.
I would get something like a Paradigm Studio 20 or something with a lively balance. Both the Audio Refinement and the MSB dac are laid back in sound....a pair of Totem Mite's could be another choice....good luck
Castle Richmonds. Warm, smooth and a sound that belies their size. There are dealers here on audiogon selling the "demo's" for $320 or so. Sean