Help wanted in regards to monitors...

Looking to spend 2000.00 on either new or used speakers. The shortlist so far includes Aerial 5's, SF Concerto Home or Grand Piano, ProAc 1sc or 1.5's, Tyler Ref. Monitors, and last but not least the B&W N805's. I know I have included some "full size" speakers in the list above but all are in my price range. I listen to rock, r&b and Jazz. (no classical yet.) My system includes a 4B ST and a Threshold T3 with the new NAD T-550. I appreciate any input or critique of the above speakers. Also what is your take on Dynaudio products and do they manufacture their own drivers and tweets?
I have tried most of the speakers you mention, so I will comment on my experiences, for what it is worth. I have to agree with Gjrad. The Shearwaters or Grand Pianos are the way to go. I have owned Aeriels, and they are very nice speakers, but they definately require lots of current to come alive. Their whole line could be a bit lifeless at times. The Dynaudio monitors are great, they list for about $2500, and you need stands. They are very neutral, and perhaps unforgiving. I have heard the N805s with Bryston, and it was not to my liking at all, but none of the Nautilus series sounds natural to me. The Proacs are great speakers, but very detailed in my experience, and I suspect that could be a problem with the Bryston. I think you need a warm, smooth sounding speaker and the Shearwates and Grand Pianos would fall into that category. I currently own the Meadowlark Heron i's.
I've not heard the tylers, but they always get good responses, as do the Proacs. I've never liked Aerial speakers, just sound too much like stereo equipment. I can also imagine why the guy above didnt like the Nautilus speakers with Bryston gear, however, I love the N805, and would recommend it highly. I also liked the (Meadowlark Audio) Shearwaters, but these may be a bit out of range. Also, the Meadowlarks are a time aligned design, and you need to be AT LEAST 7 feet away to get what they have to offer. Note that they also sound very different when thre listener is standing, or walking around. For me, the B&W N 805 was the real deal. IF you have an all solid state system, they might sound a little hyped up, but with tubes somewhere in the chain...magical.
I have not heard the Aerial or Tyler, but of the rest of those, I would probably go with the ProAc 1.5. When I heard those at a local dealer, I fell in love with the imaging and the detail especially on jazz stuff. For rock music though I might lean toward the Dynaudio.
You should also try the Merlin TSM-M's. I love mine, but as a previous poster stated, prepare to get some high quality stands. There were some 24" Osiris listed on this site recently, I own them as well and they are excellent.

Good luck.
I would add the J.M. Reynaud Trentes to your sure to include their magic stands if you go this way.