Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????
I agree with the boxes, I wish I could throw them away.... They do take up so much space and guess what? There's nothing in them. My wife said to dump the boxes, I already to the epuip out. Okay I want in on the group rate.
Eventually I will stop or my wife will make me sleep in my empty boxes. But who cares, I have enough boxes to make a pretty comfortable apartment in the basement. Sign me up for the group rate tim.
Me, Iam single. A big house,4 bedrooms,1 for the equipment 1 for the boxes, and 1 empty one for my tube system one day. One never seem,s to be satisfied with the sound of one,s system.
The ups and fed ex guy never arrives quickly enough.
Iam happy with my speaker,s if i could juuusstt,place them juuussst right.The uno,s would be cool with a set of cary 805,s.
I must admit i have a thing for speaker,s. It set,s the stage for a non audiophile when they see big speaker,s , and inside you just grin, what a hobby.
I can,t beleive amongst us, there isint a desent shrink. But all chip in for a little help.
Yes, we are sick. When I day dream about my retirement home in Maui I will probably never own it is mostly about the stereo I will (won't) have there. Tireguy, if it's just speakers with you, your not that bad. If there is a shrink on this site please help us.
It's bitch aint it! I'm waiting on some speaker cables for my HT rig now, don't really even need em, well yeah I do sortof. I've got my face pressed against the front window searching for brown trucks. Sometimes when they rudely pass by I chase em down, they used to freak out but now they just speed up and scream MAYBE TOMORROW!
Fetish! You guys are not kidding!!!. Ask my wife and kids. I simply hug my big Dunlavy V's almost everyday! I know where each(400+) of my CDS is. But can't care for the home video ( kid's evolution..) collection, even though that should be the priority. Ya I can relate to UPS truck stories and the extra cables you don't need but just have to have it just in case.