Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????
Thanks,Pcc just gave me an idea. Send me your $$$$;and send your equipment to Jayboard;maybe Jay/IS/bored?This drivel just flows. I do it on the fly,in no time and I'm sure it shows.The quality of drugs you get today just ain't what it used to be. Speaking on this subject : Tireguy,you should think about cutting back on the Viargra.Blowup dolls are great as a part time indulgence; but NOT a full time occupation. Respnding and analyzing is fun.It's just all the time it takes to look up the spelling of the complicated words. Like :BTW,myCJ5s are in 4 an upd8,so yes, a bit bored,thanks for your in-dull-gents.
Wow avguygeorge your right after those dolls of Tireguy. I think you have a doll fetish. Okay avguy, I'll send you some boxes. Will find someone with money to send you $$$, cause I don't have any. Everybody send your used equip to Jayboard. Tireguy would you stop holding out, avguy wants that damn doll of yours, so ship it to him will ya. Avguy enjoy the doll and I expect to see a thread on your new adventures with the doll. Also avguy have a good day and please come back and visit, sometimes we need alittle excitement on this site and you have provide us with that. See ya Pete
Avguy I would gladly ship you Ms. Rightnow but I don't have any boxes that I am willing to part with, sorry. Ah I got it maybe if I deflate her and jam her into an envelope and stick a whole lotta stamps on the envelope then I could send it right through United States Postal service. Or better yet I have a buddie how just picked up a love sheep(it is an inflatable sheep)as a joke, maybe I could send that too, it might be more your style. Well let me know, hopefully I will not here from you, hehehehehe.
Pcc:...."I expect to see a thread on your new adventures with the doll".??..... No, I don't kiss and tell(the sign of a true gentleman). Of course;you wouldn't know about that,now woodja? Just going to have to wait till the video comes out.Tireguy:.... Don't remember you as one of the "box-fetish" control group. This must be an "on -the- fly" excuse so as not to part with Ms Rightnow. BTW : I find the sheep to be a bit, "less- critical". The last doll I had; in the middle of a passionate moment, I bit her on the neck,she got angry and flew out the window / hissing loudly!!..... Now you probably understand my need for "less- critical".... Listen,I can see this is just a ruse, to cover up your "audi-neurosis". Lets see the money/so we can get to the "real" work that has to done.With enough money you all can be helped. (hopefully,but not to be construed as an absolute guarantee) Tireguy: "lots" of money would more applicable/time payments/with good credit.And that's all the credit I'll give you. The doll/sheep will come in a plain brown wrapper/I expect!!
You guys all know how it is ;just after reading a great review;you imagination starts cooking. Well, one of the comercials on site, gave me an idea. Forget about Ms. Rtnw/ or sheepish "Shirley".....(yes she has a name already) Tireguy;you ever had a "crash test dummy" modified?? Seems like they would expect it "rough". You know; I used to have some (limited)semblance of normality till started hanging with you guys.