Surrounds for Thiel 3.6 system?

Does anyone have a recommendation for center/surround speakers for my Thiel 3.6's? Of course, I'm looking for something closely voice matched, but Thiel's own MCS1 and/or SCS3 are more than I wanted to spend. Are there any less expensive options?
I had my Thiels set up with an SCS2 for the center and didn't think it matched up very well - a little smoother and laid back compared to the 3.6s. Turns out a Polk CS350LS is a near perfect tonal match with the 3.6s. As for the surrounds, they are probably less critical....

You might want to consider the Vandersteen VCC-1 center channel speaker. It has a single, high quality 6.5" coaxial speaker, so it provides a "point source" type of sound that should match well with the Thiels. The VCC-1 also has a proximity switch (on the back) which allows you to contour the sound for how the speaker is placed -- close to a boundary (like on top of the TV), or stand-mounted in front of the TV. With regard to the side/rear surrounds: you didn't indicate if you want dipole or direct-radiating models. I am currently using a pair of Coincident Technology Tiumph Signature speakers as rear surrounds, and am very pleased with them: above-average efficiency, very clean, and close to full-range.
I have to agree on the SCS's. I have 3 of them used as center and surrounds. They have been used along with 2 2's and now 5i's. They integrate very well. Extremely well built coaxial speaker.
As an update, in a fit of pique I picked up a pair of the Definitive Technologies BPX dipolar surrounds to go with the Thiels. (Used, great price, couldn't resist). Love the speakers, but they are definitely not a particularly good voice match for the Thiels. So far that has bothereed me not a bit and only time will tell whether it will begin to in the long run.