Hales Alexandria

One 91) of these Alexandria is currently for sale on another site (guess which one). Does anyone know how many of these were actually produced? A least 1 pair was....described @ the Chicago CES '99 (Martin Colloms). I have T5's and would like to learn more about these ....call them A1's (not Soundlab). Colm
Sorry. Haven't heard the Alexandria's. I have a pair of T8's which I enjoy...

Of course you realize that Hales is out of business, I assume. It might be a wise idea to find a replacement source for the drivers first before taking hte leap. Don't make the same mistake I did....
I have seen pictures of the Alexandrias, but I don't know anything about them.

Rhoogasi - About your T8's. The tweeter is a Vifa, the mid is a Seas, and the woofer's are Alumapro. (IF you ever need to replace them) Jeff